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Posts tagged National
  • Tahirih Announces Inaugural Bahá’í Advisory Council


    November 16th, 2022

    The Tahirih Justice Center is a Bahá’í-inspired national, non-profit organization that supports immigrant women, girls, and other survivors of gender-based violence seeking safety and justice. Tahirih envisions a world where […]

  • Brenda

    Success Stories

    November 14th, 2022

    When I was 15 years old, I left my parents’ home in Mexico. I was sexually abused by my stepfather, and I thought I would be safer moving out with […]

  • “Contar mi historia me ayuda a sanarme”: hispana habla de cómo logró salir del tráfico humano


    November 14th, 2022

    Tahirih’s client, Brenda Rincon, shared her story with Univision Atlanta reporter, Ana Herrera. Brenda says sharing her survival story helps her heal.

    You can see the full interview in Spanish here.

  • New Guide to Survivor-Centered Legal Writing


    October 31st, 2022

    Richard Caldarone, Tahirih’s Senior Litigation Counsel, used his expertise in both immigration law and survivor-centered service provision to create a new tool, “Survivor-Centered Legal Writing: A Brief Guide.” This unique […]

  • Celebrating Our Incredible Pro Bono Attorneys


    October 28th, 2022

    Tahirih relies heavily on our Pro Bono Network of attorneys who generously share their time and expertise to help survivors find justice and safety. Nearly all of Tahirih’s clients live […]

  • Immigrant Heritage at Tahirih


    October 28th, 2022

    On October 28, we recognize National Immigrants Day in the United States. At Tahirih, 29% of our staff staff identify as immigrants, 49% have immigrant parents, and 17 different languages […]

  • New Report: Survivors Seeking Asylum are Exposed to More Violence at the Border


    October 11th, 2022

    Everyone deserves to live a life free from violence. That’s why at Tahirih, we believe that people seeking safety in the U.S. should be met with an asylum system that understands the trauma they have endured, instead of exposing them to more harm.

    Unfortunately, that is not the case for survivors of gender-based violence who arrive at the southern border seeking protection here in the United States.

    A new report by the Tahirih Justice Center and Oxfam America reveals how common it is for people seeking asylum to experience gender-based violence in Mexico while waiting to access the asylum process in the U.S.