Human Trafficking
What is it?
Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that involves the recruitment of an individual by force, fraud, or coercion into labor or sexual exploitation. It is the second largest criminal industry in the world.
What’s the impact?
Every year, an estimated 14,500 to 17,500 individuals are trafficked into the United States; individuals are also trafficked within the U.S., although few studies exist that document the extent of the problem. Modern-day slavery disproportionately impacts women and girls. An estimated 80 percent of trafficking victims are female. Learn more about what we’re doing to stop this human rights violation.
What protections are available?
To fight human trafficking, enable victims to escape, and hold traffickers accountable, Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 and has reauthorized it several times. Immigrant victims of human trafficking may be eligible for protections such as T or U visas, two special protections established by Congress to allow victims to remain in the United States if they help law enforcement hold their traffickers accountable. Learn more about what we’re doing to prevent human trafficking and safeguard survivors.