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Q: Why did you join Tahirih’s Pro Bono Network?
A: I was given the opportunity to join through the on-going pro bono relationship Tahirih has with Kirkland & Ellis.
Q: Share a highlight from a pro bono case with Tahirih.
A: I met with my client to discuss her case, and she told me about the domestic abuse she had endured from her previous partner. It was hard for her to recall all of the horrible events, and I tried to encourage her throughout the process. She worked very hard to provide for her children even in an abusive situation. I was amazed at how resilient she was after going through such hardship, and I was humbled that I was given the opportunity to help her.
Q: How has your pro bono service impacted you?
A: Listening to the testimonies of my Tahirih client and her tales of domestic violence has really given me meaning as an attorney. Nothing is as fulfilling as helping someone in need. My pro bono work has put everything that I do in perspective.

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meet more pro bono partners

  • Meghan Leibold Lidster
    Staff Attorney
    Richards Kibbee & Orbe
    It has been humbling to work with a client who, despite extreme hardship in her past, has been able to increasingly open up to me.
  • Lindsay Wright Brett
    Associate Attorney
    Baker & McKenzie LLP
    The women and children I've worked with over the years inspire me to take on new cases.
  • Alicia Balthazar, Deborah Wei, Maria A. Arboleda, & Marta Thompson
    Hogan Lovells US LLP
    Realizing the impact of the case’s outcome not just for our client but for her son, shows how these cases can be completely life changing for a family’s future.