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Tahirih Pro Bono Network Webinar: Policy Updates & The Nuts and Bolts of the Battered Spouse Waiver, June 16, 2021

For our June Pro Bono webinar, we are excited to present key information to assist you in handling Battered Spouse Waiver cases.


You will have the opportunity to learn:


  • Best practices for approaching Battered Spouse Waiver cases
  • How to help lawful permanent resident survivors of violence remove conditions on their green cards without having to rely on the abusive spouse in the immigration process


Battered Spouse Waiver cases are included in our Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) caseload, and we want to prepare our pro bono partners with the information and skills needed to successfully handle these types of cases.

Anusce Sanai, a supervising attorney in our Greater DC ─ Baltimore Regional office, will lead the webinar and you will also hear from Richard Calderone, Tahirih Litigation Counsel about policy and litigation updates.

You can find the recording of the webinar here.

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