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This article was originally published in Truthout on October 10, 2019.

Truthout reported on the impact the public charge rule would have on low-income immigrants who remain in abusive situations due to the uncertainty created by the new policy. The final rule contributes to a climate of fear and make it easier for the government to deny green cards and visas to applicants using public benefits. The Tahirih Justice Center — alongside 40 other groups nationwide dedicated to ending domestic and sexual assault — filed an amicus brief in support of blocking the rule. Irena Sullivan, Senior Immigration Policy Council, commented on the climate of fear this new rule creates:

“The target is everyone, because everyone’s afraid.”


Elizabeth Hasse, Tahirih Houston Staff Attorney spoke on the impact this rule has on her client, who would be exempt from the public charge rule, but was still afraid of accepting an offer to a highly on-demand transitional housing assistance program. Elizabeth stated:

“She was going to have to be homeless or potentially go back to her abuser with her two children. It wasn’t that she didn’t believe us; she just didn’t trust that it wouldn’t affect her in the end.”

Read the full article here.