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Dear Supporter,

2013 Impact Report Cover PageI am thrilled to share the Tahirih Justice Center 2013 Impact Report, a full-color, folding brochure that illustrates the heroism of our clients, highlights our effective and efficient model of service, and celebrates our nationwide accomplishments last year in communities, courts, and Congress.

As a valuable supporter, you are a vital part of Tahirih. Our lifesaving work across the nation and in our offices in Baltimore, Greater DC, and Houston would not be possible without you.

We are proud to report that, with your help, we grew 12 percent across our offices in 2013, hiring attorneys and other critical staff members to support our capacity to serve women and girls in three, high-need locations.

Our groundbreaking Forced Marriage Initiative reached new milestones as we built a national movement to empower women and girls in the United States to exercise their right to choose whether, when, and whom to marry.

In 2013, we also:

  • Responded to 1,376 individuals who needed our expert legal advice and service referrals.
  • Provided free legal representation and advice to 876 immigrant women and girls.
  • Connected 511 women and their children to services that were vital to rebuilding their lives after trauma.
  • Conducted 117 outreach, training, and education events to elevate the voices of our clients.
  • Trained 2,442 law enforcement, legal, and social service professionals to better address the needs of immigrant women and girls facing violence.
  • Expanded our pro bono legal network to 1,294 professionals and 219 law firms.
  • Helped lead the charge to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, strengthen the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, and safeguard immigrant survivors of violence through immigration reform.
  • Launched a five-year, strategic plan to maximize our impact by 2017.

Thank you for being part of our work to create a world where women and girls enjoy equality and live in safety and with dignity.

If you would like a printed copy of our 2013 Impact Report, please contact us at [email protected] or 571-282-6161.


Layli's Signature

Layli Miller-Muro
Tahirih Founder and Executive Director