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This article was originally published in Bahai Teachings on February 22, 2016. You can access the original article here:

In an article on, Internet pioneer Payam Zamani writes about the importance of charitable giving and identifies Tahirih Justice Center as one of the best run non-profit organizations in the United States. Zamani serves on Tahirih’s Board of Directors. He writes:

    During the Ayyám-i-Há holiday, many Bahá’ís — and their friends and families, too — will look for opportunities to give charitably. Of course, many worthy causes and organizations exist — but there are only a handful of organizations specifically inspired and guided by the spiritual principles of the Bahá’í Faith, which seek to better the world through their deliberate application. One of those organizations is the Tahirih Justice Center…

    I watch the organization conscientiously apply Bahá’í principles to their programs, their governance, and their public interactions, and I celebrate Tahrih’s 19 years of impact and protection of over 19,000 women and children from violence. Promoting some of the most critical Bahá’í tenants of justice and the equality of women and men, Tahirih has gained a reputation as one of the best run non-profit organizations in the U.S. In the spirit of Ayyám-i-Há, I hope you will join me in supporting this Bahá’í-inspired organization.

Read Zamani’s full article here.
Donate now in honor of Ayyám-i-Há

Image By Rene Steiner