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Kimberly Pineda Chavez, 19, was heading to high school with her younger sister in Atlanta, Ga., when lights flashed behind her car.

Immigration agents pulled her over and arrested her.

The teenager was put in jail, where she began fighting the government’s plans to send her back to Honduras, a country with one of the highest murder rates of women in the world.

Her mom had to travel 200 miles to see her daughter in detention.

Armed immigration police who work for ICE are targeting Central American mothers and children like Kimberly and her mom. They are banging on doors at all hours, picking up kids as they go to school, and terrorizing entire communities.

These raids are about to get worse, and we need your help to stop them. Please sign our petition to urge our president to stop these heartless raids before more harm is done.

Most of the Central American families being targeted came here recently to ask for protection from war-level violence. They are refugees, forced to travel hundreds of miles from their homes to escape rape, violence, and death with bona fide asylum claims.

Yet, the vast majority of moms facing deportation aren’t able to find legal representation.

Without it, their failure is all but guaranteed — nearly 99% who sought protection in recent years were sent back to face the life-threatening conditions they fled. Kids without representation face similar odds.

Please tell President Obama that you demand fairness for all refugees, including Central Americans.


Please note that featured photo does not depict Kimberly.

Do Something!

Sign our petition to end heartless raids that target moms and kids who haven't had a fair shot at legal protection. Click here to sign now.