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We have good news!

More than 4,000 people have added their names to the Tahirih Justice Center petition to urge President Obama to create a national action plan to protect individuals facing or fleeing forced marriages, right here in the United States. Every signature truly does matter—we’ve seen the government respond to similar appeals with real and concrete commitments.

But we need to do more to bring attention to this pressing human rights issue. We need more people to stand up and send the message that women and girls should be protected from forced marriage in the U.S.

If you haven’t signed the petition, please sign it today! If you already signed, thank you! Would you be willing to take one more small action on behalf of courageous women and girls facing or fleeing forced marriage?

Please ask your friends and family to sign, too, before our petition drive ends on March 17. One minute, one friend. That’s all it takes to double our impact! The petition remains open, so we can continue to send a strong message of support to survivors and influence the Obama Administration to act now.

You can share our image below through email and through your social media networks!

UPDATE: Thank you! With your support, we surpassed our goal and obtained more than 100,000 signatures on our petition!

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